
我们的机构奖学金颁发给在传统的校园项目中攻读第一个本科学位的新生. 参加100%在线课程和/或追求能力为基础的教育(CBE/TAB)学位的学生没有资格获得a&移动商务的奖学金.



  • Awards will be based on calculated rank submitted via school transcript 和 postmarked to 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 by the February 15 priority deadline.
  • 在2月1日或之前提交的没有排名的成绩单将根据录取时申请人群体排名的中位数计算排名.
  • 在2月15日之后提交/重新提交/更新的成绩单将不会被考虑更改级别, due to not meeting the February 15 priority deadline.

Recipients of the 总统奖学金 must meet all the following criteria, 没有例外:

  • Be admitted to the university 和 enter A&移动商务 in the calendar year of graduation from high school.
  • Be enrolled in 和 complete at least 15 credit hours of A&作为攻读本科第一学位的本科生,每年秋季或春季学期的移动商务课程.
第一次新生和 可以合并 with 荣誉学院 or donor-funded scholarships班级排名前10%$4,000Up to 8 long semesters or graduation (whichever comes first). Four-year scholarship valued at $16,000


蓝色的 和 Gold 大一新生 奖学金学术指数持续时间
第一次新生和 可能是 结合 有捐助者资助的奖学金TIER 1 (约3.8 GPA,排名接近前20%)$2,000Up to 8 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Four-year scholarship valued at $8,000
层2 (约3.5 GPA,排名接近前30%)$1,000Up to 8 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Four-year scholarship valued at $4,000
3级 (约3.平均绩点0,排名接近前50%)$500Up to 8 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Four-year scholarship valued at $2,000
蓝色的 和 Gold 转移 奖学金学术指数持续时间
First-time transfer students from a two-year college with an Associate’s Degree or who earned 45 credit hours 可以合并 有捐助者资助的奖学金一级 (3.(大学转学累积绩点)$2,500Up to 4 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Two-year scholarship valued at $5,000
层2 (3.(大学转学累积绩点)$2,000Up to 4 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Two-year scholarship valued at $4,000
3级 (3.0大学转学累积GPA)$1,000Up to 4 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first. Two-year scholarship valued at $2,000

蓝色的 和 Gold 转移 奖学金


  • 1级(约3级).8 GPA,排名接近前20%)
  • 2级(大约3级).5 GPA,排名接近前30%)
  • 3级(大约3级.平均绩点0,排名接近前50%)
    • Awards will be based on calculated rank submitted via school transcript 和 postmarked to 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 by the February 15 priority deadline.
    • 在2月1日或之前提交的没有排名的成绩单将根据录取时申请人群体排名的中位数计算排名.
    • 在2月15日之后提交/重新提交/更新的成绩单将不会被考虑更改级别, due to not meeting the February 15 priority deadline.

Recipients of the 蓝色的 和 Gold Scholarship must meet all the following criteria, 没有例外:

  • Be admitted to the university 和 enter A&移动商务 in the calendar year of graduation from high school.
  • Be enrolled in 和 complete at least 15 credit hours of A&移动商务 coursework during each long semester as an undergraduate student working towards first undergraduate degree.


  • 第一(三)层.80大学转学累积绩点)
  • 第二(三)层.50大学转学累积GPA)
  • 第三层(3).00大学转学累积GPA)
    • Awards will be based on college transfer cumulative GPA submitted via school transcript 和 postmarked to 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 by February 15 priority deadline.
    • 在2月15日之后提交/重新提交/更新的成绩单将不会被考虑更改级别, due to not meeting the February 15 priority deadline.

Recipients of the 蓝色的 和 Gold 转移 Scholarship must meet all the following criteria, 没有例外:

  • Be admitted to the university 和 enter A&从两年制学校毕业的日历年,获得副学士学位或45个学分,在入学期间没有间隔.
  • Be enrolled in 和 complete at least 15 credit hours of A&作为攻读本科第一学位的本科生,每年秋季或春季学期的移动商务课程.


First-time new freshman students with a filed FAFSA, 符合佩尔资格,AGI不超过8.5万美元, 德州居民 可以合并 with 荣誉学院 or donor-funded scholarshipsFull tuition (费用 are not covered by this scholarship 和 will be billed separately)Up to 8 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first
First-time new transfer students with a filed FAFSA, 符合佩尔资格,AGI不超过8.5万美元, 德克萨斯州的居民, from a two-year college with an associate degree or earned 45 credit hours 和 可以合并 有捐助者资助的奖学金Full tuition (费用 are not covered by this scholarship 和 will be billed separately)up to 8 long semesters (fall 和 spring) or graduation, whichever comes first


Recipients of the 校长承诺奖学金 must meet all the following criteria, 没有例外:

  • Be admitted to the university 和 enter A&移动商务 in the calendar year of graduation from high school, or from a two-year school with an earned associate degree or 45 credit hours without gaps in enrollment.
  • Be enrolled in 和 complete at least 15 credit hours of A&每年秋季或春季学期的移动商务课程,作为本科学生攻读第一个本科学位.
  • 有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金或TASFA定义的同等需求,并且家庭调整后总收入(AGI)为85美元,000或以下.
  • Be a 德克萨斯州的居民 for tuition purposes.
  • 的 deadline to complete FAFSA/TASFA is 6月1日.

总统承诺奖学金涵盖其他助学金或奖学金未涵盖的所有学费,并将满足学生学费的100% 八个学期 新入学的大一新生或以下 过去的四个学期里 新入职转帐.

(Fees are not covered by the 总统’s Promise scholarship 和 will be billed to the student’s account separately).

  • 总统ial 和 蓝色的 和 Gold: Maintain a minimum 2.75学期GPA    院校累积GPA
  • 总统的诺言: Maintain a minimum 2.00学期GPA   院校累积GPA
  • 成功注册    至少完成15a&移动商务 credit hours each fall/spring semester 和 30 A&移动商务 credit hours each academic year




A&移动商务 compiles a list of several outside scholarships. 学生 are also encouraged to search on their own. 下面的奖学金目录是研究和找到许多你可能符合条件的奖学金的宝贵资源.

If you are the recipient of any type of award, typically scholarships or corporate sponsorships from a source other than A&移动商务, you must report it to the Office of 经济援助及奖学金 as soon as possible using the 外部资源表格. 根据目前提供的援助计划的指导方针,可能需要调整您的经济援助报价. 如果你不再符合那些援助计划的资格,你可能需要偿还你已经收到的经济援助.

你可以找到 外部资源表格 在我们的 形式 填写并发送到页面 (电子邮件保护).

If you receive an outside scholarship or corporate sponsorship, 请通知捐赠人出具支票文件,或附上一封信,注明受赠人的姓名和资金适用的学期. All scholarship/sponsorship/endowment money should be sent to:

皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务
P.O. 3011箱

的 links below are provided for informational purposes only. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement. 也不是金融办公室 援助和奖学金也不是A&移动商务 can guarantee the accuracy or the timeliness of the information on these sites.

始终保持谨慎和确保 that any scholarship found is legitimate 和 not a scam.


的 荣誉学院 provides a highly personalized 和 challenging college experience that includes a four-year, premier scholarship package that covers tuition, 费用, 住房, a partial meal plan 和 money for textbooks for a select group of high-achieving freshman students.


Beginning with the Fall 2021 application cycle, we will offer a test optional admission process in addition to the traditional admission process. 虽然标准化考试可以提供有关申请人在大学阶段取得成功的能力的有用信息, there is sufficient evidence that st和ardized testing does not reflect the true academic potential for all c和idates. 的 荣誉学院 prides itself on removing barriers for its students once they arrive on campus. 考试选择性录取政策使我们能够将这种潜在障碍的消除扩展到那些可能无法获得更好地为标准化考试做准备的资源的优秀学生. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 考试可选录取页面.

For more information about receiving an Honors Scholarship visit the 荣誉学院 网站或电邮 (电子邮件保护).

Donor Funded 和 Departmental Scholarship 机会

被录取的学生可以通过填写我们的普通奖学金申请申请捐助者资助和部门奖学金机会. 被CBE(能力为基础的教育)项目录取或被PSA项目录取的学生没有资格申请捐赠者资助的奖学金.

的 2024-2025 scholarship application cycle for donor-funded 和 departmental scholarships begins October 1, 2023. 的re will be three rounds of review of the applications. 的 priority deadline for most opportunities is January 15, 2024. 的re will be two additional deadlines March 15 和 6月1日. Any offers will need to be accepted by the acceptance deadlines for each of the three rounds. Any awards not accepted by the deadlines will be canceled 和 funds offered to other students. Canceled offers will not be reinstated. 在应用, be sure to check the portal frequently for any new opportunities that may have opened up. Offer notifications will be sent via the student myLeo email address.

  • 登录到 myLEO 点击“应用程序”选项卡.
  • 点击奖学金.
  • Click the “Sign-Up” button located in the upper, right corner of the page.
  • Your LeoMail university email address 和 a user-created password is required to set up the account.
  • A confirmation email will be sent to your LeoMail account, 和 you will need to click the link in the email in order to access the portal for the first time
  • 登录到 myLEO 点击“应用程序”选项卡.
  • 点击奖学金.
  • Click the “Sign-In” button located in the upper right-h和 corner of the page.
  • Use your LeoMail university email address 和 your previously created password to sign in.
    • 你应该忘记密码吗, click “Trouble Signing In” to enter your LeoMail email address, 然后点击“恢复密码”. A password reset email will be sent to you.

When you first sign in to the 奖学金门户, you will be in the 一般 Scholarship Application. This application lets you apply for endowed 和 departmental scholarships. We will use this information to match you with scholarship opportunities. You will need to fill in all the questions. 如果缺少任何信息, you will be prompted to complete the missing information before you are able to submit the application.

Please pay close attention to the questions asked. 的re 可能是 options that require selections such as “Other” or “Not Applicable.例如:, if the high school you attended is not shown in the “High School Name” section, 选择“其他”,” 和 you will need to respond to the following statement: “If you chose ‘Other’ for High School Name, 请指定.”

On the 一般 Scholarship Application, you will also see an Applicant Record tab. 的 applicant information comes from our student information system. If you find that the information is incorrect, please e-mail (电子邮件保护) so that we can advise you on how to correct this information.

Once you have completely filled out the application, you will select “Finish” 和 “Continue.” You also have the option to save the application without submitting it until you are completely finished. You may do this by clicking on “Save 和 Keep Editing.”

Navigate to “机会” then “Recommended.“上面列出的推荐机会包括需要你回答额外问题的奖学金, provide additional information or provide an essay.

In order for you to determine what information you need to submit for a particular scholarship, click on the “应用” button next to the scholarship you would like to review. After completing the required information, you will click on “Finish 和 Submit.“请注意:这个过程需要对你想要考虑的每一个推荐奖学金重复进行.

You will also notice the “All” tab on the “机会” section. 的se are all of the scholarships available. Do not apply to any other scholarships listed on this tab. You should only apply to those scholarships on the “Recommended” tab.

在“我的申请”选项卡上,您将看到与您在普通奖学金申请中提供的信息自动匹配的奖学金. You are automatically considered for these scholarships. No further action is required for these particular scholarships.

As you complete the additional information required for your recommended opportunities, those scholarships will appear in the “Current” section. Each scholarship will appear as a box, with the status in the top right corner.



申请下一学年大多数大学奖学金的优先截止日期是1月15日. 在优先截止日期前对申请进行审查后,剩余资金将被授予的奖学金可能会重新开放,以滚动方式接受额外申请,直到所有资金都已承诺.

Some donor-funded 和 departmental scholarships have rolling deadlines past the priority deadline.

Three Rounds For Donor-Funded Scholarship Review
  • Priority Deadline – January 15, 2024
  • 常规截止日期- 2024年3月15日
  • Final Remaining Deadline – 6月1日, 2024
获奖通知书 & 验收期限
  • Priority Deadline – February 9, 2024 – 必须在3月1日前接受吗
  • 常规截止日期- 2024年4月1日- 必须在5月1日前接受吗
  • Final Remaining Deadline – 6月1日9, 2024 – 必须在7月10日前接受吗

As new scholarship opportunities are added regularly, please continue to log in to the 奖学金门户 for any new scholarship opportunities that 可能是come available.

Some recommended opportunities may require references. On the “首页” tab, you will see a tab titled, “Manage 参考文献.” When you add someone as a reference, we will contact them with instructions on how to upload their reference letter to complete the reference. 您将在这里看到状态. You may come back to this location to add additional references, if necessary.

It is suggested that you ask a reference for permission to use them as a reference. Once you have applied, let them know to expect an email with instructions. This will assist with the timely completion of your reference.

If you have additional questions regarding the 奖学金门户 or the 一般 Scholarship Application, 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).
